(published in several professional/technical journals and -websites – August 2002)
Task Environmental Engineering in Heist-op-den-Berg (Belgium) realised an odour control unit to treat the emissions produced by the composting plant of Indaver – Vlar Compost in Grimbergen Belgium. The installation combines a scrubber unit, heat exchanger and cooling tower for the treatment of emissions at a flow rate of 120.000 m³/h.
The installation was taken into service on May 28, allowing for a thorough testing and evaluation during the first months. The initial evaluation is showing that the physical and chemical design criteria are met without any problem. The installation will be further evaluated during the months to come with regard to its odour elimination capacities. It is Indaver-Vlar Compost’s goal to reduce the olfactif impact of its composting activities to an acceptable level for the industry and inhabitants of the surrounding area.
For more information with regard to odour control and emission treatment, please consult the air-odor section of this website